Environment Management Policy

Protec Doors P/L recognises and accepts that concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy. We are committed to promoting sustainability endeavouring to make a positive contribution to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.

Our commitment is to:

  • A programme of continual improvement and sustainability by encouraging sound environmental management
    systems to be adopted within our Integrated Management System (IMS). 
  • Ensuring we meet or exceed the minimum compliance of all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and standards
  • The prevention of pollution and reduction of any impacts of the Company’s operations on the
    environment and local communities by assessing them in advance and implementing mitigating strategies.
  • Developing objectives and targets to measure the extent of all potentially significant environmental aspects and to monitor improvements achieved.
  • Requiring each sub-contractor to provide a work method statement documenting consideration of their potential to cause adverse impact on the environment, and methods to minimise this risk
  • Promoting waste, water and energy reduction measures during all phrases of our works phases.
  • Implement site specific Environmental Management Plans.
  • Maintaining effective communication and/or training to our employees, contractors, clients and visitors to ensure that environmental management practices are undertaken.

We require our management, staff and sub-contractors to comply with this Environmental Policy, and will provide
adequate resources to implement, maintain, review and improve this Policy on a
regular basis.

Quality Management Policy

It is our primary goal to maintain and enhance our reputation for consistently producing timely and
cost-effective projects in order to completely meet our clients’ expectations, maintaining excellent working
relationship with our clients through delivering quality projects.
It is our policy to:

  • Understand our client’s needs,
  • consult with clients to develop their needs,
  • high standards of product quality are maintained,
  • ensure compliance with contract documentation, standards, codes and statutory requirements,
  • train employees to be effective in their processes,
  • establish and maintain standards,
  • establish and maintain a continual improvement work environment,
  • provide a framework for the regular review of objectives,
  • requirements are communicated to and understood at all levels in the organisation,
  • review our operations regularly for continuing suitability and effectiveness,